Essential Japanese Phrases


to know before you go…

Survival Phrases


Here are some common phrases in Japanese along with their phonetic spelling and English translation to help English speakers navigate while traveling in Japan:

  1. Hello/Good morning:

    • Japanese: こんにちは (Konnichiwa)

    • English: Hello/Good morning

  2. Thank you:

    • Japanese: ありがとうございます (Arigatō gozaimasu)

    • English: Thank you

  3. Excuse me:

    • Japanese: すみません (Sumimasen)

    • English: Excuse me

  4. Yes/No:

    • Japanese: はい (Hai) / いいえ (Iie)

    • English: Yes/No

  5. Please:

    • Japanese: お願いします (Onegaishimasu)

    • English: Please

  6. Sorry:

    • Japanese: ごめんなさい (Gomen nasai)

    • English: Sorry

  7. I don't understand:

    • Japanese: わかりません (Wakarimasen)

    • English: I don't understand

  8. Where is...?:

    • Japanese: ...はどこですか (…wa doko desu ka)

    • English: Where is...?

  9. How much is this?:

    • Japanese: これはいくらですか (Kore wa ikura desu ka)

    • English: How much is this?

  10. Do you speak English?:

    • Japanese: 英語を話せますか (Eigo o hanasemasu ka)

    • English: Do you speak English?

  11. Can you help me?:

    • Japanese: 手伝っていただけますか (Tetsudatte itadakemasu ka)

    • English: Can you help me?

  12. I would like...:

    • Japanese: ...をお願いします (...o onegaishimasu)

    • English: I would like...

  13. Where is the restroom?:

    • Japanese: トイレはどこですか (Toire wa doko desu ka)

    • English: Where is the restroom?

  14. Delicious:

    • Japanese: おいしい (Oishii)

    • English: Delicious

  15. Cheers! (when toasting):

    • Japanese: 乾杯 (かんぱい) (Kanpai)

    • English: Cheers!

Remember that while these phrases can be helpful, learning a few basic Japanese words and phrases can enhance your travel experience in Japan. Japanese people appreciate even simple attempts to speak their language.