Hotel Information

Byron Hotel

36-38 Queensborough Terrace, London W2 3SH

+44 20 7243 0987

Check-in Check Out

Sun. May 25, 2:00 PM Wed. May 28, 11:00 AM

Room details

Twin Room

Reserved for

Mary White, 2 adults

Included amenities

Breakfast for 2


2 Twin Beds


All special requests (such as in-room amenities, bed type, and smoking preference)

are shared with the hotel, but requests are not guaranteed and may incur additional

charges. We recommend you confirm them directly with the hotel before travel.

Room details

Twin Room

Reserved for

Jessica Oliver, 2 adults

Included amenities

Breakfast for 2


2 Twin Beds


All special requests (such as in-room amenities, bed type, and smoking preference)

are shared with the hotel, but requests are not guaranteed and may incur additional

charges. We recommend you confirm them directly with the hotel before travel.

Room details

Triple Room

Reserved for

Amanda Storey, 3 adults

Included amenities

Breakfast for 3



All special requests (such as in-room amenities, bed type, and smoking preference)

are shared with the hotel, but requests are not guaranteed and may incur additional

charges. We recommend you confirm them directly with the hotel before travel.